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Galvanic auxiliary chemicals

We only select references that can guarantee and certify total respect for the environment that surrounds us

Galvanic auxiliary chemicals

Our references for the galvanic industry meet high quality parameters that guarantee excellent products whose origin is constantly monitored through careful controls and requests for certifications from the supplier

In this section you can access all the references produced and distributed by our company.

Below you can find the latest references included in our galvanic auxiliaries products catalogue.

If you need further information or are looking for products and references that are not in the catalogue at this time, please contact our offices. We will be glad to take care of your inquiries.

Our products for the Auxiliary Galvanic chemical sector


At an operational level, the chemical polishing obtained with MF ALBRITE 159 consists of a simple immersion and is applied to a wide range of alloys having different degrees of purity. The level of finish that can be achieved is superior to the one produced by mechanical cleaning and brushing alone; small scratches and other imperfections are also removed. Elements from die castings, extrusions, and generally from thermal machining can be cleaned but will be able to be satisfactorily polished only if they are free of casting imperfections and if they are made of low-silicon alloys.

Chemical brightening is an essential step in the production of anodized materials such as finishes for profiles of various types and sizes, automotive and motorcycle industries (transportation in general), large consumer components, and anodized and anodized-coloured materials.

MF-Albrite 159 is supplied in approved 1,000-liter IBCs or bulk and is ready for use


Unlike MF Albrite 159, MF Albrite 171 contains an anti-smoke additive that allows to reduce the emissions of vapours, which develop during the chemical reaction, useful in those realities where environmental parameters are more stringent.

At an operational level, the chemical brightening obtained with MF ALBRITE 171 consists of a simple immersion and is applied to a wide range of alloys having different degrees of purity. The level of finish that can be achieved is superior to the one produced by mechanical cleaning and brushing alone; small scratches and other imperfections are also removed. Elements from die castings, extrusions, and generally from thermal machining can be cleaned but will only be able to be satisfactorily polished if they are free of casting imperfections and if they are made of low-silicon alloys.

Chemical polishing is an essential step in the production of anodized material such as finishes for profiles of various types and sizes, automotive and motorcycle industries (transportation in general), large consumer components such as mechanical engineering, cosmetics, eyewear, etc…and anodized and anodized-coloured materials.

MF-Albrite 171 is supplied in approved 1000-liter IBCs or bulk and is ready for use


MF Desad is a formulation which is used in the process of removing patinas of copper, magnesium, silicon, iron, etc after the process of chemical sanitizing as a neutralizer or brightening, prior to anodizing.

Using this product has the following advantages:

– MF DESAD is free of Chromates and Fluorides;

– MF DESAD has a low Nitrate content in waste disposals;

– Easy handling for operators.

MF Desad is usually supplied in approved 1000-liter IBCS or bulk